is not your typical credit card/airline miles site. It’s also not a couponing site or a daily deals site. The goal of ValueTactics is to inform and educate you about how to save money and gain value with a variety of methods. I try to accomplish this with general tips and tricks I have learned over the years. I also post examples from my personal journey through the crazy world of credit cards, free travel, free products, and other assorted value-gaining endeavors.
Unlike many other travel/points/deals blogs, the primary author of ValueTactics doesn’t claim to have all the answers. When I started finding and taking advantage of these deals and card offers I told myself I would try it for a while, keep track of everything, and see if it’s really worth it. As expected, it turns out some ideas are much more rewarding than others. With this website I’m saving you the time and effort of determining which ones work and which ones don’t. Take my examples for what they’re worth, but don’t let my poor results stop you from trying something yourself.
ValueTactics is also unique in that I offer different perspective than most other similar blogs. Unlike the typical travel/points/deals blogger, I am married with 4 kids. My wife and I both work full time, still carry old credit card debt, have student loans to pay off, and still make some mistakes when it comes to finances. I believe these facts make the advice and tactics presented on this site more relevant and valuable to the average reader than many similar blogs.
In just over 2 years of being in this game, I have earned or saved well over $35,000 in travel expenses, statement credits, interest savings, and sales revenue (Find out how at my “Strategy” page). And all this was despite making many mistakes, having generally unlucky timing, being sometimes less than diligent, and all the other pitfalls that come with the learning process. If I could do this, so can you. And by exploring, you’ll have the tools and knowledge to do so!